The Alabama Senate approved a ban on abortions at any stage of pregnancy and even in the case of rape

In Alabama approved a bill banning almost all abortions, including pregnancies after rape and incest. Voted for the bill and 25 against 6, thus challenging more than 40 years guaranteed women’s rights to abortion under historic US Supreme Court decision in ROE V. Wade.

According to the bill Alabama, exceptions are only cases when you need to save the mother’s life. The doctor could face 10 years in prison for attempting an illegal abortion, and 99 years for the procedure.

Now the bill will be on the table of the Governor of Alabama Kay ivy, which, though not publicly promised to sign the bill, considered an opponent of abortion, so the bill will probably be signed.

BREAKING: Misogynists in Alabama just passed the most extreme anti-choice measure in the country—a TOTAL ban on abortion. This incredibly dangerous attack on reproductive freedom is now headed to the Governor’s desk. #HB314 #ALPolitics

— NARAL (@NARAL) May 15, 2019

The law will enter into force 6 months after the signing, but is likely to face legal opposition from the American Union of protection of civil liberties and other groups that promise to go to court.

The bill is part of a generalized effort of the States, intended to convince the U.S. Supreme court to reconsider the constitutional right of women to abortion. Laws restricting women’s right to abortion, this year was introduced in 16 States, and 4 the Governor signed bills prohibiting abortion, if you can hear the heartbeat of the fetus. In particular, recently in Georgia a law was passed prohibiting abortion, if you can hear the heartbeat of the fetus, approximately 6 weeks pregnant.

Democrat Senator Doug Jones calls Alabama»s new anti-abortion bill «callous» and «extreme,» claims that «people of faith» support

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) May 14, 2019

A bill on fetal heart rate has attracted a lot of attention after it turned out that 11-year-old girl from Ohio who became pregnant after being raped 26-year-old man, will not be eligible for the procedure under the new state law. Ohio passed a bill in April. As it will not take effect until July, the victim will be able to carry out the procedure if you wish, but thousands of other women will soon lose this right. The bill also means that many women will find that are in position only after the right to an abortion has passed.

The Alabama bill goes further by prohibiting abortion at any time. Doctors who will perform the procedure, will bear criminal responsibility, although women who abort will not be punished.

In addition, the Senate of Alabama refused the amendments Democrats who were allowed to terminate the pregnancy of women and girls who become pregnant in case of rape or incest.

Opponents of abortion understand that these laws will be challenged and the courts this year has already locked the same innovations in Kentucky and Iowa. But Senator Clyde Chambliss, speaking in favor of the bill, stated that his goal was «to go to the Supreme court to challenge the court’s decision in ROE V. Wade.» The court, which is now the seat of the most conservative judges after Donald trump has appointed 2 of them, can really undo the court’s decision in ROE V. Wade, and it would be a fateful decision in the fight of supporters and opponents of abortion.
