Trump calls American military killed in action «losers»

Trump calls American military killed in action «losers»

Donald Trump has made disparaging remarks about US military personnel who have been captured or killed on at least a few occasions, according to a new report — including, among other things, calling dead soldiers buried in the American Aisne Marne cemetery in France as «losers» in 2018 … This was announced on Thursday, September 3, by The Atlantic.

A senior Defense Department official, on condition of anonymity, confirmed to the Associated Press the truthfulness of at least some of these statements — in particular, comments about the French cemetery.

A Defense Department spokesman claims Trump ridiculed the military when he refused to visit a cemetery outside Paris during his visit to France — after a daily presidential briefing on the morning of November 10.

On that day, Secret Service officials told Trump that it would be dangerous to fly to the cemetery in a helicopter in rainy weather, offering to go there by car instead. In response, Trump allegedly stated that he did not want to visit the cemetery, since there were «sheer losers.» Officially, the White House said it had canceled the trip due to bad weather.

In another conversation, Atlantic reports, Trump called the 1,800 Marines killed at the Battle of Belleau Wood in World War I «suckers» because they died.

“This report is a complete lie. — commented on the article the director of strategic communications of the White House Alissa Farah. — President Trump values the military very much. He constantly demonstrates his commitment to them : fulfilling promises to increase wages, increasing military spending, signing important reforms for veterans and supporting spouses of military personnel. These rumors are just unsubstantiated and offensive fabrications. »
