The New York Post called trump Jr. «idiot»

The New York Post called trump Jr. «idiot»

The American press every day gives rise to a debate about freedom of speech in politics and media environment. Many public persons, celebrities and journalists are not shy in choosing phrases, not hiding behind such easy ways to control the «fourth estate», as the correctness or neutrality.

Last night the editorial Board of the newspaper New York Post published an article, brief and catchy title which can not attract attention. It is impossible to ignore material that is called «Donald trump Jr. is an idiot». So here is quite rough and sharp.

The New York Post called trump Jr. «idiot»

The basis for the writing of such material is that trump Jr. met with the lawyer associated with the Kremlin, in June 2016 during the presidential race. Russian lawyer promised Trump Jr. to provide information about Hillary Clintonthat could prevent her to win the election. In response to the offer trump Jr. sent an e-mail with the text: «With pleasure» («I love it»).

Journalists from the New York Post called the decision to see a lawyer and similar language in response to the letter «dumb» («Dumb. Dumb. Dumb»). In parentheses the author of the article added: «As our former colleague Kyle Smith: «don Jr. is the man, which the Nigerian scammers still continue to pull the tail of luck»».

The article also criticizes trump Jr. for excuses to meet with a lawyer, which the son of the President gave the newspaper The New York Times.

«Democrats and the media trying to find something criminal in all this,» — said in the article. «Whatever it is, the act is criminally stupid.»

On Tuesday evening, trump Jr. said that President trump didn’t know about this meeting.

«I wouldn’t even mention it … 20 minutes of time was wasted. A shame.»
