USA will restrict the issuance of visas for four countries

USA will restrict the issuance of visas for four countries

The administration of President trump intends to impose restrictions on issuing visas to four more countries which refuse to take back deportees from America’s own citizens. Currently a proposal is under consideration in the State Department. Countries affected restriction — Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea and Sierra Leone. Visa sanctions are imposed to ensure that the country has revised its policy regarding the reception of deportees from the United States citizens.

About what exactly relate to visa restriction are not yet known, however hardly it will affect all visa. Most likely, the sanctions will concern only public officials and members of their families.

USA will restrict the issuance of visas for four countries

The state Department is wary of the introduction of visa sanctions as previous examples of their use in relation to Guyana and the Gambia have shown that countries respond to this same limitation.

Why sanctions were chosen, these 4 countries are not yet clear, because the list of so-called «recalcitrant» countries that refuse their deportation from U.S. citizens, also including China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, Iran, Burma, Morocco, Hong Kong and South Sudan.
