Charity after the hurricane Harvey: how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud

Charity after the hurricane Harvey: how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud

Storm Harvey shook the USA and the world. Many houses were destroyed and tens of thousands of people from Texas and Louisiana remained without a roof over your head. But residents of other States do not leave in the lurch their compatriots and help all I can.

Charity after the hurricane Harvey: how to avoid becoming a victim of fraudsource: Thomas/CC

However, not only charities willing to accept donations from citizens. There are many groups claiming to be volunteers to help the victims of hurricane Harvey. That’s just the money they get from Americans not go to Texas or Louisiana. Experts told how not to fall into the hands of fraudsters.

Find out where will your money

Trust those organizations that have already earned a good reputation. Each of them often provides a full accounting of what exactly you were given the money.

Never give cash

Make a donation using your credit card to see the details of the recipient.

Charity after the hurricane Harvey: how to avoid becoming a victim of fraudsource: MacEntee/CC

Check the websites of the organizations

On the Internet every day there are charities to help victims from Harvey, but many of them are scams. Use only those where you get the guarantee that your money will go to charity, and comprehensive information about any particular campaign to raise funds. For example, the website GoFundMe.

Be careful with links in emails and social networks

Never click on links before, make sure that the letter or message containing them, was indeed sent charitable organization.

Charity after the hurricane Harvey: how to avoid becoming a victim of fraudsource: MacEntee/CC

Report suspicious organizations

If you refuse to provide information about the programs of the organization, it can be considered as suspicious. Real charities are always only too happy to talk about it. To report fraud, click here.
