6 questions about the Day of Columbus (the test)

6 questions about the Day of Columbus (the test)

Today in the United States celebrate Columbus Day — a holiday in honor of the anniversary of the arrival of the famous Mariner in America. Who he is, know all, and yet not everyone knows which of the facts about Christopher Columbus — in fact myths.

For example, many believe that the ships on which the seafarer embarked on their journey in 1492, was Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria, but actually, the Santa Maria was nicknamed La Gallegа, and Nina — Santa Clara. What is the name Pinta is unknown.

Another famous myth: that Columbus proved the Earth was round, though prior to the beginning of his journey, many feared that the ships «fall», reaching the edge of the world. According to historians, educated people at that time it was already known that the Earth is not flat: this was discussed in the books required to be read in European universities.

How much do you know about Columbus and the holiday in his honor? Take the quiz and find out!
