Schools in NJ are closed due to the discovery of mold

Schools in NJ are closed due to the discovery of mold

In one of the districts of new Jersey schools will remain closed until the end of the week. Authorities claim that at this time in the buildings sanitary services is being tested for the presence of mold.

Schools were closed after Monday angry parents of pupils at Holly Glen Elementary School demanded that the school officials ‘ explanations about the discovery of mold in the school.

«You are putting children’s health at risk. You have no evidence that these children are safe,» said one parent.

«We want everything to be as it should be to everyone feel comfortable,» — said the Director of public schools Monroe Township Charles Erling.

The parents expressed their indignation at the fact that over the summer, while classes in schools was not carried out, the administration did not check the room for suitability to children and fails to eliminate deficiencies. Now parents have to find a way to stay at home with my kids until the end of the week.
