Bill gates invests $80 million in the construction of «smart city»

Bill gates invests $80 million in the construction of «smart city»

Today, forty-five minute drive West from downtown Phoenix, capital of Arizona, can be found only endless desert land, virtually untouched by man.

But in the near future this area will turn into a high-tech space with housing, infrastructure and unmanned vehicles plying the streets.

Before «no man’s» twenty-five thousand acres , near the mountain chain of the White Tank Mountains was in the hands of one of the world’s richest people – bill gates, indirectly decided to pursue urban planning.

«Smart city», which will build 80,000 homes, will build offices, commercial buildings, shopping centers ( 3,800 acres) and public schools ( 470 acres), has received the name of Belmont.

The origin of the toponym has no historical roots: the city is named in honor of Belmont investment group Partners, controlled by Cascade Investment. The latter was founded in 1994 by none other than bill gates.

That is Belmont Partners, specializing in investments in Arizona real estate, will be engaged in the construction and arrangement of the Belmont. Investment in the project has cost the company $80 million.

«Belmont will create a progressive public space with the communication and infrastructural basis. There are used advanced technologies, designed for high-speed digital networks, data centers, new production technologies and distribution models, Autonomous vehicles and Autonomous logistic nodes» – say Belmont Partners.

Bonus for casino lovers and gambling: on the weekend of the Belmont, you can get in Las Vegasbecause the city is located along the motorway I-11.

Yet the road stretches only to 4 km between neighboring towns in Nevada, but the plan it to join Nevada Reno with Arizona Nogales, and some of the intermediate points will be Belmont and Las Vegas.

According to the Independent, «smart city» can be home to 182,000 people. However, it is not known when the Belmont will be ready for their arrival. Moreover, the starting date of construction is also yet to be announced.
