New Jersey teacher of the children’s center rebuilding the discipline with a knife

To maintain discipline in the children’s team is no easy task. Some teachers opt for this rather strange method.

Elderly teacher children’s center Dawn to Dusk Christian in Plainfield (new Jersey) decided in the fight against disobedience to use edged weapons. To rein in the raging two kids 4 years, 64-year-old Antetokounmpo, Akinnaso called them to his office and threatened to kill them with a knife. Of course, one of the boys was not injured, however, one can only imagine what stress they have received.

According to the, children’s center, which until recently was in charge of Akinnaso, visit 120 children aged from several months to 13 years.

As reported in the office of the Prosecutor of Union County, March 13, Akinnaso was arrested on charges of cruel treatment of children. If the fault in court is proved, it will have 18 months to review its methods of education in a Federal prison.
