Kashpirovsky will «treat» the people of new York

Kashpirovsky will «treat» the people of new York

Since childhood, almost every one of us heard from mothers, grandmothers and aunts, as life-giving and beneficial sessions known therapist and healer Anatoly Kashpirovsky. In his time at the TV screens in the former Soviet Union gathered with their families to see the next issue of «Sessions health of psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky».

Watch who was charging at the TV screen, and they started to work again after 20 years of failure, who was cured of a terrible disease. The people here and there were rumors that a man ditched the crutches and went after a meeting with Kashpirovsky, and another 60 years(!) rose 3 tooth. And though critics have a hypnotist and there was a lot (in 1989, his methods of treatment condemned by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church), recovered by sessions of a healer still feel thousands of people.

«Highlight» of the new York session promises to be a treatment for snoring in 3 minutes, and the treatment of allergies.

Starting from July 11 to August 11, every Tuesday and Thursday Kashpirovsky will conduct healing sessions on Brighton beach in the restaurant «national».
