The revolt of Kiernan: what can we expect in the future

The revolt of Kiernan: what can we expect in the future

In an era when technology is firmly part of our lives, parents don’t even have to answer the standard baby questions – for this there is a special gadget.

Cute robot toys that are even 10-15 years ago seemed to be something almost incredible, are now increasingly adopt for themselves the most tedious of parental care. There are toys that, by connecting to the network WiFi, tell the child tales or sing lullabies, there are those who are able to answer the most common questions young pochemuchek or take educational puzzles curious destouches. Soon, five year olds will use their own electronic assistant, which will remind them about what you need to do the homework or go to bed on time.

The revolt of Kiernan: what can we expect in the future

In General, the world does not stand still, and we have to adapt to the run of technological progress. But to be an advanced parent a lot more expensivethan just to buy a book and read every evening to his beloved Chad alone. It is expected that by 2020, global sales of «smart» toys and related applications will reach increased to 11.2 billion dollars, which is very different from 2.8 billion earned in the industry in 2015. Of course, many parents already let their kids play with iPads while they are busy, for example while driving or in the kitchen. However, digital smart toy learn for gadgets unexplored territory – the time that parents spend with their children.

Following step is the introduction of the use of a three foot tall robot iPal, which is designed to be a child company. He can entertain children for several hours, for example when they come home from school, and parents are still at work.

Nobody argues that the young generation of our time can cope better with technology than with dealing with their own kind. However, experts warn that the electronic devices generate digital dependence already in early childhood — in some cases from the first weeks of a child’s life. In addition, toys with ready programmed character are not allowed to develop imagination of the child, because he had to settle for a small number of conversations created by the creators of the gadget.

Another disadvantage is that the electronic toys are not always safe. Some of them have access to the network and are sharing datathan can make use of the hackers. It would seem, than can help, say, a Teddy bear fraud? At least to grant access to passwords and e-mail, and more in our time is sometimes not required.

When technology begins to take over routine tasks of raising children, there comes a time to take a step back. Perhaps parents should limit the time a child devotes to gadgets, and to develop a strategy that would certainly have approved your grandmother: let the kids get a bit bored. Boredom can push them on the crane inventive games or live chat.
