Official Chicago called «animal» residents of crime areas and were invited to «Safari»

Official Chicago called «animal» residents of crime areas and were invited to «Safari»

Now a former employee of one of city departments of Chicago used municipal account e-mail to send Rasotsky emails. It is stated in the report of the inspector General Chicago.

«A joke,» the former official suggested «the Safari» to see the violence that make «animals» from disadvantaged neighborhoods of the city, writes the Chicago Tribune.

Official Chicago called «animal» residents of crime areas and were invited to «Safari»

«If you don’t book a Safari in Chicago this weekend, much to miss», — was said in one of his letters, where he mentioned specific areas: Englewood, Garfield Park and Woodlawn. «We guarantee that you will see at least one murder and five crime scenes within three days of the tour. You will also see many animals in their natural habitat.»

It is known that the man worked in the Department for water resources of the city. He retired as head of Department and his Deputy after mayor Rahm Emanuel found out about the investigation of the racist letters. It is also known that with the same email the official agreed on the transactions for the purchase and sale of weapons to private individuals.

The mayor of Chicago has said that such behavior of the official «does not reflect the position of the city».

«In Chicago this will not be tolerated, so the Department of water resources is now new leadership,» — said the press Secretary of the mayor of Shannon, Brameier.
