Gold fever swept the San Francisco

Gold fever swept the San Francisco

The proverb goes: no garden without its weeds. One of the unexpected side effects of the crisis of Oroville damthat broke out this winter, was the appearance in the rivers of the Feather and Yuba gold. Real gold.

The Yuba river from 1840-ies called «the Gold country» (Gold Country), it is not surprising that water has long lived reputation of being a popular destination for those who want to try yourself as a gold prospector. And if earlier all this was done more for the sake of process, in the last couple of months time, all these enthusiasts began gold nuggets of different shapes and sizes. Experts say that this occurs due to water release from the dam before, during and after the crisis, which resulted in the evacuation of 180,000 people in mid-February.

Gold fever swept the San Francisco

Millions of gallons of water were dumped into the river the Feather for several months after reservoir Oroville happened a flood due to heavy rains and snowmelt in the Sierra Nevada. Excess flow led to the collapse of river banks, resulting in some farmers lost their land. This thread has flushed enough sediment on the bottom in order that the gold-rich river again began to give people their treasures.

Angela Dimmick of the company’s Yuba City Coin and Bullion said that unusually to watch the excitement of people bringing gold nuggets to exchange them for money. But do not rush to write the application on dismissal and heading for California gold: the monetary equivalent of any gold is generally within 40 to $ 300, but the precious metal still need to find.
