Brooklyn motorists will wean distracted from the road using the VR simulator

Brooklyn motorists will wean distracted from the road using the VR simulator

While driving, many drivers are not willing to put aside their smart phones — they continue to answer calls, read messages and check mail. Despite warnings and prohibitions of the authorities, thousands of motorists mechanically carry out these seemingly innocuous actions — one hopes that they will lead to dangerous consequences.

The fallacy of this opinion confirms the sad statistics according to the Center for control and prevention of diseases, due to distraction while driving in the United States every day 9 people die and another 1,000 are injured.

Brooklyn motorists will wean distracted from the road using the VR simulator

One way to draw attention to the problem was the It Can Wait campaign, urging drivers to watch the road and not smartphones.

To violators of safety rules able to clearly see the dangers of their behavior, the organizers of the company decided to use virtual reality.

The driving simulator is equipped with a VR headset for a year roams the US and now get to Brooklyn. Thanks to the joint efforts of the Transport Department, the NYPD and the telecommunications company AT&T everyone can get a feel of what can cause distractions while driving. Simulator found temporary refuge near the Barclays center.

However, the owners of their own VR headset Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR do not have to leave home to experience impressive, although not the most pleasant experience. They can download the simulator on the Oculus website.
