The U.S. Congress approved the allocation of $1.6 billion for the construction of a wall with Mexico

The U.S. Congress approved the allocation of $1.6 billion for the construction of a wall with Mexico

The house of representatives approved a bill on national security, providing $ 1.6 billion for the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico.

This decision was supported by 235 lawmakers 192 opposed. «We fully satisfy the request of the President of the United States to build a wall on the southern border,» — said the speaker of the house of representatives Paul Ryan.

As you know, erecting a physical barrier along the U.S.-Mexico border was one of the main election promises trump. The politician has repeatedly stressed that to pay for its construction will be Mexico itself. However, according to this bill it is necessary that the United States will Finance the construction of the «Wall of trump».

The U.S. Congress approved the allocation of $1.6 billion for the construction of a wall with

In total, the bill provides for the allocation of $13.8 billion for customs and border protection.

«Ensuring the safety of Americans and protecting our homeland is a priority. This bill provides funding for resources to build a wall along our southern border, extending the existing infrastructure to border security, hiring additional personnel to patrol and operations on detention of illegal migrants on the border,» — said the Chairman of the Subcommittee on internal security John Carter.
