A newborn baby was named in honor of the Eclipse (photo)

A newborn baby was named in honor of the Eclipse (photo)

When: early Monday morning a resident of the city of Spartanburg in South Carolina has experienced a lot of pain, she thought it was another false alarm.

Freedom Eubanks was on the ninth month of pregnancy, and the baby’s had been born, but several times the girl was «lying» to her.

A newborn baby was named in honor of the Eclipse (photo)

But not in this case. «After the fight intensified, I realized that this is serious, but didn’t have time to have a baby the day of the blackout, maybe it will happen the next day,» — said the freedom of The Greenville News.

On the way to Greenville Memorial hospital by the woman and her husband decided that if their daughter is born the day of a total Eclipse, they name it in honor of this event.

Few people are born on such a day, because it is very rare, but even lower number of births given in the honor of his name. Perhaps it is for the first time.

A healthy girl weighing 6 pounds and 3 ounces, with curly hair, after all, was born on the day of a total Eclipse, and parents really named her Eclipse (Eclipse).

«It was so unusual,» says the mother of a newborn. «Probably, it will have amazing birthdays».

#SolarEclipse2017, South Carolina woman gave birth to a baby girl Freedom Eubanks name Eclipse https://t.co/konoRVbhtd pic.twitter.com/Kv5tQkUi9s

— KOKO LEVEL’S BLOG (@KOKOLEVELS04) August 22, 2017
