The couple won a dream home in Alaska on a reality show. Then the former owner wanted it back

The couple won a dream home in Alaska on a reality show. Then the former owner wanted it back

The British couple, who got their dream home in Alaska thanks to their participation in the reality show Win the Wilderness, barely had time to start enjoying their new life — when the previous owner suddenly changed his mind and announced that he wanted to return to his home.

Emily Padfield, 37, and Mark Warner, 53, competed with five other couples for an 80-mile stretch northwest of Mount McKinley. In the end, the choice of the owners of the house — Duane and Ren Wasp — fell on the spouses.

However, in May, 76-year-old Rena died after heart surgery, and a month later, her 78-year-old widower, according to the couple, entered into a relationship with another woman.

“We communicated with him throughout the quarantine, planned to scatter Rena's ashes together, but then he suddenly moved away,» Padfield recalls.

Duane stopped answering calls from the spouses, and then announced on social networks his intention to marry again and his decision to keep the three-story house for himself — although Warner and Padfield are now its rightful owners.

On Facebook, Duane writes that he wants to «get back his legacy stolen by foreigners who don't care» about his «desires.» The couple, in turn, are confident that his new passion is behind these statements: Ellie-May Blair.

“The posts definitely use words that Dwayne has never used before. Warner said in an interview with The Sunday Times. «I can almost see Ellie-May tapping her fingers on the keyboard: some of her statements are completely irrational.»

Duane did not respond to media requests for comment.
