«The old farmer’s almanac» predicts a hot and humid summer

We all look forward to summer — vacation season, holidays, swimming and active rest outdoors. But the cold and rainy weather may put a cross on his unchanging attributes — BBQ, camping, chocolate tan and late gatherings with friends under the stars.

After lingering too long winter and April blizzards inadvertently doubt creeps in: will there be a summer like the summer?

More like — «the old farmer’s Almanac» predicts anomalous heat. The publication, founded 200 years ago, advises Americans to stock up on air conditioners.

In most parts of the country the temperature is expected above normal. The hottest weather — in the middle and Western part of the country, and the peak of the heat will be in July. This indicates the number of time-tested will.

Wet, dry?

According to the forecasts of the almanac, in the summer it is expected the abundance of precipitation. They will manifest themselves in the form of powerful local thunderstorms in the Central and southern States and in the Rocky mountains and East of the Middle of the Atlantic. Less rainy days are expected in the East, however, there will be enough.
