Some regions of the United States predict a harsh winter and the abnormal amount of snow

«Farmer’s almanac» of the US predicted a very hot summer in 2018. When you consider that it happened, there is a good chance that the next prediction will come true almanac. He predicts the United States have a very harsh winter. The news is not very good, if you don’t like cold weather.

«The strongest frosts are expected in mid-February, especially in such regions as the northeast, New England, Great lakes, Ohio Valley, Midwest and the South-East», — reported on the official website of the almanac. Yes, this winter will feel even South-Eastern States.

According to forecasts of «Farmer’s almanac» winter of 2019 in the Great lakes, the Midwest, on the Pacific coast of North-West and in New England may drop an abnormally large amount of snow.

Spring begins in March, but March 20-23, heavy snowfall can cover the East coast of the country. So, regardless of what «say» the Groundhog on 2 February, to prepare for the winter, not surrendering their positions.

Some regions of the United States predict a harsh winter and the abnormal amount of snow

According to editor Peter Geiger, for 200 years the almanac bases its forecasts on «astronomical and mathematical figures». Complete formula is a secret, but, believe it or not: his predictions for two centuries is usually incredibly accurate.

So I advise not to ignore these predictions and prepare the sleigh in summer.
