What are the risks of climate change to major international airports in the United States

Most of us perceive climate change as a problem deferred action. Meanwhile, the planet is now to disentangle its consequences. Natural disasters constantly check the Americans on the strength of tremendous destruction and damage to the economy.

Scientists are trying as accurately as possible to assess the extent of the problem and to outline the threats it bears. Recently the U.S. government published a report entitled «Fourth national climate assessment» (Fourth National Climate Assessment).

What are the risks of climate change to major international airports in the United States
The majority of air-ports from the «black list» is not far from the coast. Photo Youtube

This document specifically for Congress prepared more than 60 experts. Among other things, it examines the threat that climate change represents the largest airports in the country.

According to Jennifer Jacobs — author of the section dedicated to the mentioned problem, several large airports in the United States today exposed to the ravages of nature. First of all, we are talking about floods during heavy storms and during the hot summer period.

The majority of air-ports from the «black list» is not far from the coast. Speaking of such transport hubs like La Guardia (new York), the airports of San Francisco and Oakland (CA) Philadelphia (PA) Tampa (FL) Washington (DC).

What are the risks of climate change to major international airports in the United States
FAA experts are working on possible scenarios. Photo: flickr/CC/pfsullivan_1056

Some of these air gates in the recent past has experienced floods, paralyzing their work. However, if temporary disasters still can fight, the rise in sea level threatens the troubles of an altogether different scale.

Experts of the Federal office of civil aviation USA (Federal Aviation Administration — FAA) are already working on possible scenarios. Professionals looking for ways to reverse the deterioration of climatic conditions.

And in Arizona faced directly by climate warming. In 2017 international airport Phoenix sky Harbor stood the heat: the temperature soared so much that the planes were difficult to fly.

What are the risks of climate change to major international airports in the United States
International airport Phoenix sky Harbor in 2017 rose because of the heat. Photo: YFR

And this is only the beginning, experts warn. It is expected that summers will become hotter. It threatens a serious disruption of many air ports with similar climatic conditions.

The authors of the report note: the U.S. government is obliged to tackle the problem. Because at stake — the lives of thousands of passengers.
