As storms and hurricanes get their names?

Every storm and hurricane has its own name. What — solve the world meteorological Agency. The national hurricane center of the United States (NHC) was responsible for naming tropical cyclones in 1953, but currently this process is controlled by the international Committee of the world Meteorological Organization.

In Europe the names of the storms give the Meteorological office UK, Weather Ireland, Met Éireann and the Meteorological Institute of the Netherlands (KNMI). The list is compiled in advance in alphabetical order and usually alternates between male and female names. In 2020 storms «Ellen», «Francis», «Gerda» and «Hugh» shall follow «Ciara» and «Dennis».

How do storms and hurricanes get their names?

— Richard Colwell FCCA ACA (@Parkers_Richard) February 12, 2020

According to the Meteorological office, the decision on naming a storm «is based on the combination of both effects that can render an element and the likelihood of such effect. The storm is named, when he will be able to call a warning about the orange or red danger level».

A list of names partially composed of the proposals sent by the public. The meteorological service says that people are willing to send suggestions via e-mail or through social networks. But if the name starts with Q, U, X, Y, or Z, then the proposal will be rejected. This is because names beginning with those letters are never used neither in Europe nor in the National center of hurricanes USA (NHC).

There are six lists of names for each region where a storm is common. Names they do not change for many years. Thus, the names of the hurricanes in 2020, will be used again in 2026.

If a storm is particularly destructive or has led to the deaths of large numbers of people, the name «delete» and replace the list with something else. For example, the name Irma is no longer applied after the catastrophic damage caused by hurricane Irma in 2017.

What if the frequency of storms increases? If during the season in the Atlantic basin occurs more than 21 named tropical cyclones, additional names will begin with letters of the Greek alphabet.
