Weekend off the coast of the USA can form the first storm of the season hurricane Arthur

According to forecasts, this weekend may be formed the first «named» tropical system in the Atlanticoff the Southeast coast of the United States.

According to forecasts of the National hurricane center in the next five days the likelihood the storm will reach 70%.
This can be the sixth consecutive year when the first named storm formed before the June 1 official beginning of hurricane season. If the system develops, she will receive the name «Arthur».

The storm may approach the East coast of the USA in the beginning of next week, before returning back to the Atlantic ocean. Arthur could bring strong winds, heavy rains and dangerous surf.

«This potential storm is unlikely to become a hurricane, said CNN meteorologist Chad Myers. — However, given that most of the year the temperature of the ocean is above normal, the middle of may will probably be the new beginning of the season of tropical storms».

Now published more than a dozen early forecasts for the hurricane season. And although the official forecast of the National oceanic and atmospheric administration will be released not earlier than may 21, meteorologists agree that the Atlantic can expect a very active hurricane season.
