Chicks penguins starving in Antarctica

Chicks penguins starving in Antarctica

The offspring the penguins the Adelie is under threat. This is reported by scientists, which found that almost all juveniles of this species died of starvation during the breeding season.

According to experts, two Chicks of all broods survived. Almost all offspring died due to the fact that adult penguins had to make a longer path due to the large number of ice blocks, in order to find food for kids. Most of them just are unable to wait for their parents.

In 2015 had a similar situation, but then neither chick survived. Scientists call this a disaster for the populations of the Adelie penguin, which lives in the Eastern part of Antarctica and has 36 thousand individuals.

Chicks penguins starving in AntarcticaAdult adélie penguins with their Chicks: Ableman/CC.

World wildlife Fund (WWF) calls for ban on krill harvesting, which mainly feed on penguins in the area. Scientists believe that this will make life easier for some animals, including Adelie penguins.

Head of Arctic programs for WWF Rod Downey reports that the penguins just can’t compete with the companies that catch krill. He urged the Commission for the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources (CCAMLR) to create a new marine reserve in the area of their habitat where the penguins will be protected.

Interesting fact: the Adelie penguin gets its name from the Explorer Jules Dumont-d’urville, whose wife’s name was Adele.
