How to choose the right wardrobe: recommendations from experts

How to choose the right wardrobe: recommendations from experts

If more recently wardrobes were considered a relative novelty, at present everything has changed dramatically. Furniture has become popular and in demand. And there was such a change due to the technical characteristics, practicality and its functionality. A convenient household item not only perfectly copes with its duty of keeping things safe, but also saves free space in the room.

How to choose the right wardrobe: recommendations from expertsHow to choose the right wardrobe: recommendations from experts

Making your choice and picking up a quality product is not at all easy, because sliding wardrobes presented on the market in their diversity. MebelOk professionals recommend paying attention to every little thing, asking questions to the store manager, getting interested. Scrupulousness will be appreciated by households, because a real “treasure” will flaunt in the room.

General recommendations for the selection of cabinet furniture

The first thing to do is to choose the exact place where the cabinet will be installed. After all, its appearance and internal content depend on the place. For example, for a room with high ceilings, you can look at products with mezzanines, and for a nursery it is advisable to choose more spacious items.

The appearance of the furniture also depends directly on the size. The classic version is a two-door attribute, however, for spacious rooms, you can also choose a three-door version.

The internal content should also be considered. It is worth imagining what will be stored in shukhlyads, where clothes will hang. The compatibility of furniture with the overall interior should also be planned.

When choosing wardrobes, it is recommended to pay attention to the quality of the door mechanism. The smooth sliding of the wheels in the puzzles will ensure the durability of the entire structure.

The large size of the structure does not allow the furniture to get lost in the room. That is why experienced designers recommend using this feature to decorate the interior. Mirrored doors, colored glass elements, photo printing will bring their own zest to any room.

The choice of a sliding wardrobe can be conditionally divided into stages: and sizing;

  • Choosing a manufacturer;
  • Studying the technical specifications of a design.
  • How to choose the right wardrobe: recommendations from expertsHow to choose the right wardrobe: recommendations from experts

    MebelOk professional stylists recommend looking at different furniture options, and only then choose the best of the best items.
