Familiarity with nominees on «Oscar-2018», «Three of a Billboard on the border of Ebbing, Missouri»

February 2, 2018

I hasten to tell you about the next contender for «Oscar» in the category «Best film». This drama is already marked by such awards as Golden globe, awards of the Toronto film festival, the Venice film festival and the London film critics circle. So, get acquainted: «Three Billboard on the border of Ebbing, Missouri«. The plot of the film evolves around the struggle of a single mother Mildred Hayes (The…


The Ministry of Finance of Russia intends to legalize cryptocurrency trading

February 2, 2018

For legalization of trading cryptocurrency the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation suggests to create within the country offshoring. This is stated in the draft Law «On digital of financial assets». As ongoing platforms for trading, Deputy Finance Minister Alexey Moiseev named the Islands and the Russian October, noting that the exchange of cryptocurrency should be allowed throughout Russia. February 1 the Central Bank of Russia said he was…


Russian «king of spam» was extradited from Spain to USA

February 2, 2018

Spain gave the United States a citizen of Russia, which is widely known by the nickname «the king of spam». 37-year Peter Levashov from St. Petersburg was arrested in April while on vacation in Barcelona with my family. Spanish police said that he was taken into custody at the request of US in connection with allegations of his involvement in hacking attacks, including those associated with the presidential election in…


Chuck the Groundhog predicted new York city, early spring

February 2, 2018

The most famous rodent New York predicted for the city today, Groundhog day, early spring. Chuck from the zoo Staten island woke up after winter hibernation and saw his shadow, which means new Yorkers can say goodbye to winter. Great news for the city, suffered due to frost and flu. What is «early spring» in the context of the predictions of the Groundhog? This is when most of the days…


Russian foreign Ministry: US intelligence «hunt Russians» and kidnap them

February 2, 2018

The Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation urged citizens to carefully plan overseas, as intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies USA «hunt Russians» in «third countries». Warning published on the official website of the Russian foreign Ministry. «Despite our appeals to establish cooperation between competent bodies of Russia and the United States, American intelligence agencies continue the actual «hunting» for Russians worldwide. The number of such cases has…


The son of Fidel Castro killed himself

February 2, 2018

Thursday, February 1, killed a senior son the legendary Cuban leader Fidel Castro reports Associated Press with reference to the official Cuban media. Fidel Castro Diaz-Barato was 68 years old. According to Cuban media reports, the man was in «deep depression». At first he was treated at the clinic, and then were observed as outpatients. The eldest son of the Cuban revolutionary at the resemblance to his father was nicknamed…


Dangerous weather conditions on long island: a car crashed into a tree

February 2, 2018

At about midnight on highway 83 North of Canal Road the car crashed into a tree. The impact was so strong that the car was cut in half, and its engine was in the middle of the street. The police have not yet announced the cause of the accident, but, most likely, the driver lost control in heavy rain close to midnight, began to turn into snow. For five borough…


New York became the second city in the world for number of skyscrapers

February 2, 2018

In 1962, nine skyscrapers that are among the tallest buildings in the world were in Manhattan. In 1981, the situation has changed a bit, and only five of the tallest towers reaching for the sky all on the same island, and in company with three Chicago skyscrapers, they accounted for eight of the ten highest skyscrapers in the world. Today, the only skyscraper of the United States, which is among…


Lithuania was protected from Russia by a fence with barbed wire

February 2, 2018

1.3 million euros – the same amount spent Lithuania for the erection of a fence on the border with Kaliningrad region, belong to Russia. This is the BBC. Between Lithuania and Russia now have a six-foot fence length 45 kilometers. The country took only a year to implement his plan in life. As representatives of the Lithuanian border service, the fence is not built as a barrier for Russian military…


The court overturned the lifetime suspension of Russian athletes

February 1, 2018

28 of the 39 Russian athletes will be able to participate in winter Olympics in Pyeongchang to be held next week. Today, February 1, Lausanne court of arbitration for sport (CAS) overturned the decision of the International Olympic Committee. The court ruled that the evidence was insufficient Moka to admit the anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) by 28 athletes. Due to this decision taken against the athletes, sanctions will be canceled,…