Bitcoin has broken the absolute record

October 13, 2017

On Thursday, the exchange rate of bitcoin, the world’s most famous crypto-currency, has exceeded $ 5,000, thereby breaking its absolute record. At 12:45 GMT, according to Reuters, the exchange rate of bitcoin on the Luxembourg stock exchange of crypto-currencies Bitstamp was about 5 $ 200. In early September, the currency was already close to around $ 5,000, but began to fall rapidly against the closure of cripture in China. By…


New York utility workers found in the garbage a diamond ring

October 13, 2017

On Tuesday a resident of Manhattan threw the hassle of employees of the city sanitation Department. The man called to the office and in a panic said, I accidentally threw out the ring with a huge diamond that was going to give to his future bride. Error could cost the groom is very expensive, if not for the Herculean efforts of municipal workers — they do not bother to dismantle…


In Northern California, burning farm with marijuana

October 13, 2017

For about five days flattering fires, which are one of the most large-scale and «dominated» on the territory of Northern California, capturing 170,000 acres of land. They destroyed the rich vineyards in NAPA County, and has now made it to another harvest – of cannabis, which is not prohibited in this state. Despite the fact that the use of medical marijuana legal in California since 1996, but recreational cannabis was…


The woman had made hospital payments for the care of the dog

October 13, 2017

An Italian court has ensured that her employer will pay her sick leave for the time that she cared for her sick dog. A female academic from the University La Sapienza in Rome, won the case with the help of lawyers from the Italian League against vivisection in Italy (LAV). This is the first such case in the history of the proceedings in Italy. The judge ruled that the University…


Swedish tabloids reported the shooting in Trelleborg

October 13, 2017

Svenska Dagbladet and Aftonbladet wrote that in the center of the Swedish town of Trelleborg , about four people were injured in the multiple attacks. In Trelleborg, with a population of approximately 40 thousand people, reported several cases of shooting. The police, according to the newspaper, received notification about the incident almost at the same time. Patrolling police immediately went to the scene of incidents. A number of incidents occurred…


«I don’t think that I might get fired today» – White house chief of staff John Kelly

October 13, 2017

On Thursday, the President’s chief of staff , John Kelly, rarely appearing in front of reporters, has denied reports that it might soon leave the position in the presidential residence. «I don’t think I get fired today, and I’m not so disappointed in this work to go myself,» said Kelly during a press conference. According to Kelly, the work in the White house for him the most difficult and the…


In Europe for $90: international airlines WOW Air

October 13, 2017

If you’ve always wanted to visit Europe, now is the time to do it — the trip will cost you unexpectedly cheap. Under the new stock airline WOW Air customers will appreciate the WOW-price tickets for the neighbouring mainland are selling from $89. Special offer applies to flights scheduled from November 1. Until December 13 in the list of most budget areas are Reykjavik, Stockholm, Brussels, Edinburgh, Dublin, Amsterdam, Copenhagen…


In Europe for $90: international airlines WOW Air

October 13, 2017

If you’ve always wanted to visit Europe, now is the time to do it — the trip will cost you unexpectedly cheap. Under the new stock airline WOW Air customers will appreciate the WOW-price tickets for the neighbouring mainland are selling from $89. Special offer applies to flights scheduled from November 1. Until December 13 in the list of most budget areas are Reykjavik, Stockholm, Brussels, Edinburgh, Dublin, Amsterdam, Copenhagen…


At the police fleet Los Angeles appeared pink car

October 13, 2017

Did you ever pink police car? Probably only in cartoons. But if you live in Los Angeles, you’ll be able to see this on the streets. On Wednesday, the Department boasted a new addition to its fleet — white-pink patrol Ford Explorer crossover. It’s such an unexpected color scheme is a tribute to the fight against cancer. To focus on this question, the hood of a car decorated with the…


Amazon will hire 120 thousand temporary workers for the holidays

October 13, 2017

The festive season is around the corner, Amazon has decided in advance to get ready for it. Anticipating an urgent need for additional manpower, the online retailer announced the recruitment of 120 thousand temporary employees in the United States. The company requires managers to work with clients, sorters, packers, and other specialists — hundreds of vacancies are open today on the website of the employer. A Grand event for the…