The mother shot her three children and yourself after the divorce

November 3, 2019

Ashley Osen, 39, and her three children aged 7 to 11 years old found shot dead in his house in Texas. Last week, Ashley graduated from the painful divorce with the father of the children by Marvin Osennem. Ashley filed for divorce in 2017 and was disappointed with the outcome of the process. In particular she was distressed by the inability to move with the children to his hometown, and…


The accused sex offender has tried to give yourself a treat in front of police in plain clothes

Accused sex offender released on bail, was trying to pleasure yourself in front of women on the subway in new York but ended up in handcuffs. NYPD officer Nancy Nieves drove in mufti in train No. 4 at the station Woodlawn-Jerome Ave. about Van Cortlandt Park (Bronx) on Friday around 3:30 when 39-year-old Andrew Bailey got into her subway car. «He got on the train, looked at me, sat opposite,…

November 2, 2019

Girls without teeth: convicted in the United States for lobbying the interests of the Russian Federation Maria Butina told about the nightmares in American prisons

In the broadcast, a leading Federal TV channel 30-year-old Maria Butina, released from prison in the USA on 25 October, told about the «horrors» that she «faced» in an American prison. Speaking on the air of the main channel of the Russian Federation «Russia 1» Butina said that the FBI «has created her as a temptress of the Kremlin» to blame her for the fact that she is an unregistered…

November 2, 2019

In the nose of the man found a bag of marijuana after 18 years after he put in there

A small bag of marijuana was retrieved from the nose men 18 years after he put it there to «bring» smuggled into the prison. According to doctors, this is the first case of its kind. According to the team of doctors who reported the case in the British Medical Journal, the man received marijuana from his girlfriend, who visited him in prison. He put the drugs in the right nostril,…

November 2, 2019

Shooting in San Francisco: four people shot at party in honor of Halloween

In San Francisco (CA) shooting occurred in which four people were killed and several others injured. The County Sheriff’s office contra Costa confirmed on Friday 1 November that four people were killed during the mass shooting that occurred on Thursday evening in a house located in the Bay area of San Francisco. «The police Department of Orindi and County Sheriff contra Costa responded to a call about a shooting in…

November 2, 2019

An elderly woman with dementia fell into a ravine and couldn’t get out. For saving her family thanks service dog

A woman of 85 years, which left the house of his son, was found a service dog in the ravine where she fell and could not rise, he told police. It is reported that the elderly woman was ill with dementia. It is a syndrome usually of a chronic or progressive nature in which there is deterioration in cognitive (ability to think) and mental (behavioral and emotional ) functions of…

November 1, 2019

Who’s there? Clever dog rang the door-bell in the night, when the owners accidentally locked her in the street

The survey was conducted camera doorbell in McDonough, Georgia, USA. The dog suddenly jumps up and muzzle presses the bell. Then, after the first attempt did not succeed, she tried again to Wake the hosts, pressing the doorbell with his paw. That weird moment when the dog was forced to ring the doorbell to attract attention after it was accidentally left outside and closed the door on the night. The…

November 1, 2019

Schoolgirl stabbed in the teacher’s pencil to stop sexual violence against her

Girl from new Jersey claims that she had to hit the teacher with a pencil, to stop sexual violence against her. Now she plans to sue for $10 million because he was allowed to continue working in the classroom. The student was only 13 years old in 2016, when the Timberland Middle School teacher reportedly began an «inappropriate physical and sexual actions,» said her lawyer John Ru edition of the…

November 1, 2019

In the US, in the house where there were 140 of snakes, found the body of a woman with a two-meter Python, turning around her neck

In Oxford (Indiana) in a house full of snakes, found the body of 36-year-old Laura Hurst around the neck which turned into eight-foot (2.5 m) reticulated Python. County Sheriff Benton don Munson, who lives next door to Laura, found her body on Wednesday evening, October 29. He was able to remove the snake from the neck of the woman, but attempts to resuscitate Laura Hurst was not successful. According to…

November 1, 2019

In the Wake of «foreign agentessy»

Some of the results of the case of Mary Butinai In late October, released one of the most famous Russian prisoners in the United States Maria Butina. The girl was accused of working as a foreign agent in the United States without registering, but as a result it concluded the deal with the investigation in fact, Mary spent behind bars less than a year and a half. However, her case…

November 1, 2019