«Mother-manipulative» smothered 10-month-old son, and then collected thousands of dollars on his funeral

On Friday Victoria Jackson from Clearwater (FL) was arrested and charged with the murder of her young son. Woman allegedly strangled the baby in its cradle — which, however, did not stop her to begin raising funds for the funeral and to help out a few thousand dollars. The incident occurred in may. Then Jackson claimed to have discovered his 10-month-old son — Malachi — unconscious in his crib and…

November 5, 2019

In Florida a woman who was eight months pregnant with a rifle shot and killed a burglar who attacked her family

In Florida, two armed men broke into the house and beat the man with the gun, before his pregnant wife pulled out a rifle and opened fire. Monday, November 4, police reported that the woman who was in her eighth month of pregnancy, armed with a semi-automatic rifle, shot one of two robbers. As reported by NBC News press Secretary of the Sheriff of the County of Hillsborough Amanda is…

November 5, 2019

The U.S. citizen, 19 years ago came from Peru, poured in the face of acid and told to return to their country

November 5, 2019

A resident of Milwaukee (Wisconsin) were second-degree burns after a man poured him in the face with battery acid and charged him with illegal stay in the country. 42-year-old Makhoud Villalaz said that during an argument because of how he parked his car, the man doused him in the chemical. CCTV camera captured this terrifying moment when the suspect raised his hands and pointed to the face Villalta right before…


When no one came to birthday 3-year-old girl, the whole district came together for her

Everything was ready to celebrate the 3rd birthday of little Paisley. The girl’s mother Cindy Davis has reserved part of the Park John Chestnut Park in East lake Florida put a table for food and gifts and ordered a bouncy castle in the air. Paisley had jumped in the castle and enjoyed the party, but something was missing: the guests. After 30 minutes of waiting and hopes that the invited…

November 5, 2019

A woman invented a fraudulent scheme, the adoption of her foster child

The foster mother from Florida was arrested on charges of organisation of adoption, during which she allegedly used his own son as a puppet in a fraud scheme. Tina Ski (45) was allegedly posing as an employee of the Florida Department of Children and Families, although she was nursing the mother of a handicapped boy. She presented everything in such a way that a handicapped boy, whom she adopted later…

November 4, 2019

Woman impaled by metal rod that fell from who was riding in front of her truck

The police shared photos of a metal rod which pierced the woman. As reported by CNN, a California woman is recovering after a large metal rod has pierced her leg. The rod fell from a truck traveling on the highway, as reported by the police. The victim, whose name is not known, were driving on Highway 99 in Sacramento on Saturday, when moving from the front of her truck dropped…

November 4, 2019

The JetBlue employee that dressed up for Halloween as a homeless woman «trying to return to Puerto Rico», was accused of racism

An employee of JetBlue, dressed as a homeless person, «trying to return to Puerto Rico or Cuba,» has been criticized after in social networks appeared a photo of her, which some have called «racist and highly offensive». A worker wearing strannuyu and stained clothes, and on her neck hung a cardboard sign with the inscription: «I am homeless. Need help to get back home in Puerto Rico or Cuba». Este…

November 4, 2019

14 cases where people have received «signs» from loved ones, departed to the other world

Losing someone is never easy. And days, months, years, we try to see the signs that the family still with us. Andrew Frame recently wrote a touching letter to TODAY about how she copes with the loss of her husband, who was not 2 years ago. After the publication of this story on the Facebook page, hundreds of people in response told its own story about love, loss and seen…

November 3, 2019

The girl «threw the dog on a busy highway, and giggled when the faithful animal ran behind her on the way»

The girl threw the dog on a busy road, and then began to laugh when the faithful animal followed her down the road, he told police. Anna Cysts (18 years) saw when she threw the pit bull brown with white coloring on a busy road in Eustis in lake County, Florida, USA, on Wednesday morning. She then accelerated his car, while the confused dog tried to run after her, as…

November 3, 2019

The mother of two children strangled by a Python in the house with 140 snakes

November 3, 2019

Laura Hurst, 36, of Indiana, was found strangled to death with eight-foot reticulated Python around the neck. In non-residential building, where they found a woman, contained about 140 snakes. The building has been specially renovated and adapted to the content of the collection of reptiles Sheriff Don Manson, who found the victim. Laura visited the house 2 times a week, as it was inhabited by 20 of her own reptiles….