App Disney watch your kids

August 8, 2017

The Walt Disney Co. secretly collects personal information about its customers, small and shares it with advertisers without the permission of parents. A similar Federal lawsuit was filed last week in California. Application developers for Disney and three other companies claim that the mobile applications that they are co-created, breaking the law: they gather information about users of the applications via the Internet. Many of these users are under the…


The Uber driver was selling drugs under the name «Uber»

August 8, 2017

Agents of the Department of narcotics uncovered a gang of drug dealersoperating near Central Park, said Monday the government. They seized nearly 20 pounds of a mixture of fentanyl and heroin and arrested four people. The street value of the drugs is estimated at least $ 3 million. Detectives conducted surveillance of the building near Central Park, Upper West side, when he noticed the suspect, David Rodriguez, got in the…


TOP 25 most safest cities in the United States

August 8, 2017

Over the last two decades the crime rate in the US declined sharply. According to statistics from the FBI, violent crime fell by 50% between 1993 and 2015. However, people’s perception of crime does not always coincide with the official statistics. For example, research conducted by the online Gallup, indicate that the majority of Americans from year to year I believe that crime rates have risen significantly compared to last…


Unknown new York: the forbidden island

August 8, 2017

New York can be called the city of Islands. Them in the Big Apple more than it might seem: Manhattan, Governors Island, Liberty Island, Staten Island, and that’s not all. But there is one island which you probably never heard of. It is called U Thant Island and is one of the places in the city, closed to the public. U Thant Island is the East river, directly under Roosevelt…


Unknown new York: the forbidden island

August 8, 2017

New York can be called the city of Islands. Them in the Big Apple more than it might seem: Manhattan, Governors Island, Liberty Island, Staten Island, and that’s not all. But there is one island which you probably never heard of. It is called U Thant Island and is one of the places in the city, closed to the public. U Thant Island is the East river, directly under Roosevelt…


Residents of the prestigious area of San Francisco found that their street someone bought …

August 8, 2017

Is it possible to buy the street? Residents of Presidio Terrace, private streets, one of the most exclusive communities in San Francisco, I learned the answer to this question from their own sad experience. After the homeowners ‘ Association did not pay taxes for 30 years, the road was sold at auction, according to the newspaper San Francisco Chronicle. A couple from San Jose bought it for 90 000 dollars….


In new York may receive a free pool in the middle of the river

August 8, 2017

New York is surrounded by water. However, swimming in the Hudson, as in any other natural body of water city, it’s hard not to count madness. In one of the largest port districts – port of new York and new Jersey – come thousands of ships, waste water manage to get into the river, bypassing the treatment plant, and occasionally on the surface of the body of the drowned man….


Super-fan of trump may be a Russian bot

August 8, 2017

At the weekend, President Donald trump expressed in Twitter thanks to its «super-fan» Nicole Minci for your support. But, according to experts, there is no evidence that this is a real woman, as the account of the many signs that he may be a Russian bot. By the way, the Twitter suspended account Minci, known as @ProTrump45. «The President knows, it’s a Russian bot or not,» says Clint watt, a…


On long island ran a raccoon with a jar of peanut butter on his head (video)

August 8, 2017

In Farmingdale, long island, raccoon caught in a difficult (for him), but funny (for witnesses) regulations. Trying to eat the remnants of peanut butter from the jar, which was apparently thrown in the trash, the animal climbed to the jar head and, of course, stuck. In a panic, the raccoon ran through the yard of a house, while the witnesses of the incident called the public organization «Wild animals in…


In metro new York leg of the passenger stuck between train and platform

August 8, 2017

In new York, the 27-year-old boy injured his foot at the station, Union Square, Manhattan. As told in police, the guy obviously stood too close to the edge of the platform, his foot slipped down and got stuck between the train and the platform. Fortunately, the train at this moment was moving and dragged the victim behind him. Police officers gave first aid until the arrived brigade of rescuers and…