The police left 91-year-old woman dying in a smoke-filled corridor

January 20, 2018

Last Friday (January 12) in Rockaway, Queens, broke out a terrible fire, so many employees of the NYPD arrived to help the residents of the building. But not all of them showed themselves as heroes, said the victim’s family from fire 91-year-old woman. Ethel Davis, who had five children, 15 grandchildren and 21 great-grandson, was in his bedroom on the 12th floor last Friday, when officers broke into her house….


City USA | new York

January 20, 2018

New York is the undoubted leader among cities in the U.S., where most Russian sounds. Its media here about 1.6 million! Up to 600 thousand Russian-speaking settled in the city, the rest spread out in the Tri-State in the suburbs of new York, new Jersey and Connecticut. Is new York even a single «Odessa» neighborhood of Brighton beach, where immigrants from the glorious seaside town is especially busy. In emigre…


City USA | new York

January 20, 2018

New York is the undoubted leader among cities in the U.S., where most Russian sounds. Its media here about 1.6 million! Up to 600 thousand Russian-speaking settled in the city, the rest spread out in the Tri-State in the suburbs of new York, new Jersey and Connecticut. Is new York even a single «Odessa» neighborhood of Brighton beach, where immigrants from the glorious seaside town is especially busy. In emigre…


The work of the US government suspended

January 20, 2018

Democrats and Republicans are unable to reach a compromise, so the U.S. Congress has temporarily cease functioning. What’s next? Now, when the government is closed, all institutions whose activities are considered vital, shutdown and thousands of workers sent on unpaid leave. All state agencies associated with homeland security, and NASA, continue to function as before. The last case of suspension of activity of the government was in 2013 during the…


Lottery for affordable housing in the Bronx: 80 Studio apartments with rents of $675 per month

January 20, 2018

In new York launched a new lottery for affordable housing in the Bronx. It involves 80 apartments-studios for one in a new building called the Webster Residence. The building is located at the address: 411 East 178th Street, Bronx, NY 10457. 60% of the apartments reserved for the most vulnerable of new Yorkers, including residents with the lowest incomes and the disabled. The remaining housing units will be distributed as…


New abortion law requires doctors to rescue the children born alive by artificial abortion

January 20, 2018

To date, the fetus expelled from the womb by artificial birth, was considered abortive material and will be disposed of. Even if the fetus is alive. Adopted on Friday the law fundamentally changes the strategy of action in such situations — bill H. R. 4712 requires doctors to provide medical care to babies born alive during an abortion or attempted abortion. The rule applies not only to the gynecologist who…


The U.S. Supreme court agreed to consider the legality of the immigration ban trump

January 20, 2018

The Supreme court on Friday afternoon agreed to consider the legality of recent immigration decree of the President of trump restricting entry into the country for citizens of several Muslim countries. The decision was made two months after the court granted the request of the administration to fully restore the ban. The plaintiff in the case is the state of Hawaii. Debate on the matter presumably will be held in…


Kim Kardashian and Kanye West named baby daughter in Chicago

January 20, 2018

The family Kardashian-West came up with a name for their newborn daughter. Baby, 19 Jan which was 4 days, called Chicago. About that the mother of the child said on his Twitter page. Chicago West. — Kim Kardashian West (@@KimKardashian) January 19, 2018 She said that the diminutive name of her third child — Chi, which should be pronounced as Shi. Rumor has it that the girl was named…


President trump intends to change the law on abortion

January 20, 2018

On Friday, January 19, on the eve of the anniversary of his inauguration, Donald trump became the first President, who spoke at the 45th annual «March for life» held Friday on the National Mall in Washington, DC. Trump addressed thousands of protesters via video link from the White House. During his speech he promised to continue to protect «the very first right in the Declaration of independence, and that the…