Holidays in Hawaii

September 21, 2023

Hawaii, with its wonderful water and golden sand, is the most visited island in the Pacific Ocean. The formation of the islands is based on interesting geographical events. The largest island of Hawaii has seven volcanoes, some of which are still active. In addition, there are volcanoes that are active and inactive under the ocean, to which the Hawaiian Islands owe their formation, since the archipelago was created when the…


A year at the helm: what has Joe Biden managed to do and what has not been accomplished?

September 21, 2023

On January 20, 2021, Democratic candidate Joe Biden officially became the 46th President of the United States. What did he succeed in during his year in the White House, and what promises did he not keep? Read today in USA.ONE magazine: Results of the first year of Joe Biden's presidency The fight against climate change, the coronavirus pandemic and more. World leadership and climate issues .jpg» /> Former President Donald…