Where should you go first in the fall in the USA?

November 6, 2023

This place is worth going to for the atmosphere that same golden autumn. You arrive there and immediately want to take a checkered blanket, spread it somewhere in a clearing and drink hot chocolate with friends, discussing everything. This place is called New England. It consists of several states: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island. It was here that the first English settlers once landed, and soon the…


US closes airspace to all Russian aircraft

November 6, 2023

Addressing the annual speech to Congress &#34 ;On the state of the country", the US President, first of all, touched upon the topic of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In particular, he stated that the United States was closing airspace to Russian aircraft. Read today in USA.ONE magazine: The United States will close the skies to Russia The ban will take effect on March 3. Joe Biden has closed the airspace…


How do Americans feel about Mexicans in the United States?

November 6, 2023

Many people know that Mexicans are the largest group immigrants in America. Their community makes up a quarter of all foreigners in the United States. This raises the question: how did the Americans themselves accept them? Read today in USA.ONE: How do the States treat immigrants from Mexico How did it all begin and how are things now? The history of Mexican immigration to the United States Mexican immigration to…