What’s happening in the USA? Election fight between Trump and Biden

What's happening in the USA? Election fight between Trump and Biden

According to analyst Amy Walter , the 2024 election will be similar to the 2020 race, when Biden defeated Trump. Voters are not enthusiastic about the activities of the current president, but they may vote for Biden out of desperation, simply not seeing any other alternative. There may be opinions like “I don’t like either candidate, but in the end I will vote for this person.”

In previous elections there was more optimism than now. Billionaire and entrepreneur Elon Musk said:

“The American people need a sane and absolutely normal president.”

Then he voted for old man Biden, but admitted that he did not experience freedom of choice.

Guilty without guilt What's happening in the USA? Election fight between Trump and BidenWhat's happening in the USA? Election fight between Trump and Bidenphoto: editorial.com

Now Trump faces the burden of 37 allegations that he mishandled classified information. The politician faces imprisonment. Republicans directly reproach Democrats for using such an insidious method to prevent the current president's rival from returning to the White House. Donald Trump said:

“I didn’t think this could happen to the former US President. I'm an innocent man. And everything that is happening now is a “really dark day” for Americans.”

During a search, documents marked “top secret” were found on him. Hundreds of papers totaling 15 boxes were taken from his residence in Florida. The prosecutor's office believes that some documents have not yet been declassified. The following charges have been brought:

• willful possession of information relating to the national defense of the state;
• conspiracy to obstruct justice;
• concealment of important records and valuable documents;
• providing false testimony.

What's happening in the USA? Election fight between Trump and BidenWhat's happening in the USA? Election fight between Trump and Bidenphoto: thehill.com

Thus, the favorite of the election race faces 20 years in prison under several articles. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy directly blamed Biden for the events. He recalled that Joe himself was exposed in similar matters, since he kept secret documents for decades. So, the government turned the judicial system into a weapon. Well-known congresswoman Nancy May believes:

“What is happening to Trump will only strengthen his position in the fight for the seat. With such actions, Biden secured Trump's nomination next year.”

Of course, the administration denies involvement in what is happening, pointing to the independence of the judiciary in the country.

"The hegemon is no longer the same"

Trump thinks this:

“Today is the most dangerous period for America. The world no longer respects the US leadership, they are no longer afraid of it, and this leads to an alarming historical moment — the unipolar world is finally collapsing, which carries a great risk.”

According to him, the main tragedy is the enormous power of modern weapons. Americans have it, but others have it too. This didn't happen before. American cowboys shot Indians from a safe distance, and now the realization comes that “it won’t happen like that again.” The United States demonstrated its strength in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, using the “by the right of the strong” template.

But North Korea challenged and began to confront the United States, despite its weak economy. The Koreans acquired their own nuclear weapons. Russia and China are rapidly rearming. What if they act as a united front against the States?

On the other hand, “the hegemon is no longer the same.” There are many countries that have stopped being afraid of him. China does not respect the United States, Iran is not afraid of sanctions, Russia is at war with Ukraine, showing the weakness of American leaders. This means that we will have to forget about a unipolar world.
