«He opened the freezer and screamed,»: Manhattan in the apartment found the body, which could be there for 10 years

The man who cleans the apartment of his deceased mother in Manhattan, discovered a decomposed body hidden in the freezer.

Visually, the police are unable to determine where the body of a man or a woman. But investigators at the scene said that maybe the corpse was kept in the freezer for at least 10 years.

As told the Daily News Asmar Basim, apartment Manager at Broadway near W. 150th St. to Hamilton heights (Manhattan), son of the deceased female tenant came to the apartment to pick up some things.

«He opened the freezer and began to shout, said Basim. – According to him, it was the woman’s body is very decomposed. Freezer stood alone, it was covered with duct tape. Officers said the body could have been there 10-15 years».

Police are trying to find out the name of the deceased or the deceased and how the person died. They will also investigate the probability that the decomposed body belongs to the mother of the woman who lived here.

«She never gave me access to the apartment when I had to do some work, told Basim about the woman who lived in the apartment. But she seemed a lovely lady, always very pleasant. It’s a shock to me.»

The city medical examiner will conduct an autopsy to try to determine the cause of death.
