In Texas executed a man who 30 years ago scored a triple kill by shooting the family of his wife

March 1, 2019

Last Thursday, February 28, Texas authorities brought into effect a death sentence, which is more than 29 years ago, was assigned a bill to Wayne Koble. A man in a 1989 triple murder, shooting relatives of his wife, who wanted to break up with him. While the woman offender took hostage, threatening to rape and kill her. In 1990, the cobbles were sentenced to death, and after 18 years, the…


The police are looking for gunmen who wounded man in Harlem this morning

March 1, 2019

In East Harlem on the corner of East 112th Street and Park Avenue early Thursday morning the man was shot. It is established that he was shot from behind. The victim was taken to the district hospital. Witnesses saw the two fleeing the scene the men. Law enforcement authorities are investigating. The representative of the police Department of new York addressed the citizens, who could be eyewitnesses to the events,…


The video shows how the teacher fractured the skull of 3-year-old little girl, throwing her across the room. She told parents that the girl fell

Terrible incident occurred in the Brighter Day Care and Preschool in North County of St. Louis (mo). The kindergarten teacher in front of other children 3 year old little girl by the hand and threw it across the room. The child was quickly taken to a local hospital, where she has got seven stitches. The photographs published after the incident, visible gash on the forehead of the child. Later, the…

March 1, 2019

Kitten stolen in the Bronx have an autistic child, now returned

Kitten stolen last week from a bodega in Kingsbridge (Bronx), returned about two hours ago. The incident occurred on February 23, Ismael store, Gourmet Deli, located on West 238th Street. Bodega owners say a man lured a 2-month kitten named Luna from under the table. The guy bought a soda, and after taking the cat ran out of the store. The kidnapper sat in the red Ford Explorer and fled…

March 1, 2019

Mother and daughter, who are accused of killing five relatives, said that «everything in the apartment wanted to die»

Became known the grisly details of mass murder that occurred in Morrisville (PA). Mother accused of killing five relatives, told the police that everything in the apartment, including three children, wanted to die. Walid Campbell became suspicious when her niece, 25-year-old Nao Ira Smith, February 11 did not answer her greeting happy birthday. According to the woman, it wasn’t like her, because she always maintained close contact with his family….

March 1, 2019

A police officer, sheltered the abandoned dog rescued in Brooklyn, since then they are inseparable

Officer Michael Pascal was on duty when he noticed an abandoned dog chained to the fence. The street was very cold, it was raining and wet dog shaking in the wind. Barely glancing at the shivering dog, the officer realized that he needed help and took him to his home. The incident occurred a few days after Christmas. Three weeks after rescuing this abandoned pup while on patrol, @NYPDSpecialOps Officer…

March 1, 2019

In the state of new York police officer accidentally shot himself in the chest, fleeing from a rabid Fox

March 1, 2019

The extraordinary incident happened on Tuesday morning, February 26, in the County of Ulster (new York). Rabid Fox caused something of a stir in one of the villages, after which local residents appealed for help to the police. However, officers also experienced problems with sick animals that tried to attack them. In the end, one of the officers accidentally shot himself in the chest. From severe injury and likely death,…


How to obtain a U.S. visa: a personal experience

February 28, 2019

Non-immigrant U.S. visa is issued for 10 years and renew it, even without visiting the Consulate. But if the first request refused, to continue to receive the stamp will be very difficult. And after 2 failures — almost unreal. American visa: is it really all that difficult I note immediately: the difficulty of getting the coveted stamp in the passport largely depends on the purpose of the trip. In my…


New Jersey man killed his brother and his entire family due to financial fraud in the joint business

February 28, 2019

In new Jersey, is nearing the denouement terrible story about the death of an entire family in the exclusive village of colts Neck. On the tragedy became known on 20 November 2018, when the emergency services arrived to a call about a fire at the costly mansion. At the scene police and rescuers found a terrible picture: bodies of 4 family members, among them two children aged 8 and 11…


Accident in Yosemite: a woman was killed under a rockfall

February 28, 2019

The tragic incident occurred last Sunday in Yosemite national Park. A female programmer, who loved the outdoors and regularly donated money to the preservation of protected areas, was killed during a walk in the fresh air. The victim was struck by a rockfall, which literally dared the victim with Hiking trails. The chances of survival for women almost was not. A female programmer, who loved the outdoors, was killed during…