In Texas now sending in social networks or messengers «undesirable» of naked photos a criminal offense

Texas law banned sending unsolicited Nude pictures through social networks or instant messengers, and Dating sites.

The new bill came into force on Sunday, 1 September. The state has established criminal liability for the dissemination of these images through digital platforms, including apps and instant messengers. Sending such photos in the state is now a class C misdemeanor with a fine up to $500.

«Many people, especially women, receiving unwanted pictures of a sexual nature via instant messengers or social networks. This is disgusting,» wrote Texas Governor Greg Abbott in his post on Twitter from August 23.

«A person commits an offence if he knowingly sends by electronic means, visual material depicting any person who commits a sexual activity or exposed genitalia – if it is done without the recipient’s consent,» reads the bill.

The law applies to text messages, emails, Dating apps and social networks.

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According to co-founder of Dating application Tinder, Whitney Hurd, they conducted a study which showed that every third woman has received unwanted sexual pictures.

«We spend all our time in the digital world, and this is, basically, a society without rules. We call on our colleagues — social networks, instant messengers and Internet companies of all types to raise their standards and to counteract,» said Hurd in an August interview.

Texas is the first state to criminalize sexual harassment on the Internet. Before such laws are adopted in Washington, Pennsylvania and new Jersey.
