In California, the will soon be a man brutally murder a woman. His wife still considers it «amazing and loving»

In 2005, Jackie Cassettari of Tracy (state of California) was brutally murdered in his apartment.

Her murderer only got 15 years in prison and soon to be released on parole in 10 years after the verdict.

Family Cassettari was shocked to discover that Brian Rainwater, the man convicted of the murder of Jackie is released from prison so soon.

«We wanted him to remain there for life, said Stephanie cruiser, cousin to the victim. We wanted him to suffer, that he never saw the light of day».

According to detectives who then conducted the investigation, Rainwater scored Jackie Cassettari to death.

She was brutally murdered in 2005-strangled, sexually assaulted, beaten and left for dead in her own apartment.
Now the man convicted of killing Jackie Cassettari, Brian Rainwater, is being released from prison much earlier than her family had hoped @FOX40

— Joe Khalil (@JoeKhalilTV) September 17, 2019

But there’s at least one person who doesn’t think Brian’s a monster.

«He’s not a violent man, and he was an amazing, loving, tender husband and father, said his wife Desiree Rainwater, zagovorila for the first time about her husband during this time. He got the confession. They were looking for someone, who could «hang» the murder, and they found it.»

To this day, she believes her husband is innocent, but doesn’t know whether to continue their relationship when Brian gets out of prison. Their child, who is now 17 years old, was a toddler when his father was arrested.

Retired detective Dale Janes, who was at the scene, said that scene will stay with him for life.

«There was so much blood that the evidence simply «floated». One of the most terrifying paintings I’ve seen over the course of his work. I was shocked when Rainwater received a total of 15 years in prison,» said Janes.

In conclusion, Brian Rainwater managed to finish College and be eligible for parole.

Retired detective Janes said he does not believe that someone, able to do what I did Brian and Jackie Rainwater Cassettari, can change in 10 years – and generally to change.

The victim’s family hopes that Rainwater will not remain to live in their city after the liberation.
