Lawmakers are preparing new sanctions against Russia

July 23, 2017

Democrats and Republicans failed to reach agreement on new sanctions against the Russian Federation. On Saturday, the Congress completed work on a bill that will deal another blow to the Russian economy. After a long discussion the text of the document was approved by both chambers of Congress on Tuesday will put it to a vote. If approved, the bill will reach the President’s Desk soon. With the help of…


Childlessness in exchange for freedom

July 23, 2017

A judge in Tennessee, USA offers to reduce a prison sentence for any prisoner who voluntarily agree to the procedure of sterilization. Judge Sam Benningfield signed the legislative decree in may. During this time, 32 women and 38 men volunteered for the procedure in exchange for a reduced sentence of 30 days. Men are asked to undergo the procedure of vasectomy, and women to implant into the hand of a…


The girl was hiding meth in the $2 million in containers for degreasers

July 22, 2017

Last week police arrested a woman after her car was discovered a container of liquid methamphetamine valued at $ 2 million. 23-year-old Celine Lisette Ayala was driving on Interstate 35 in Austin when officers stopped her, tell the police. As reported by Fox 7 Austin, at this point in the car there was also another passenger and a daughter Celine. Officers noticed that Ayala was acting suspicious and nervous when…


New Jersey raised the age at which Smoking is allowed

July 22, 2017

The Governor of new Jersey Chris Christie on Friday signed a law that made the state third in the United States (after Hawaii and California), where the age for Smoking was raised to 21 years. On Friday, Christie gave a speech about the tensions in the health system, caused by diseases associated with tobacco Smoking. He also noted that his mother died from this bad habit. «Raising the minimum age…


Citizens with low income will receive free assistance in housing court

July 22, 2017

On Thursday, the city Council of new York voted for the bill called «Right to counsel», under which the Bureau of Administration of civil justice of the Ministry of justice should provide free legal assistance to all low-income residents who faced eviction in the past five years. The bill also includes the launch this fall of a pilot program to provide legal services to the residents of the state in…


In the state of new York banned early marriages

July 22, 2017

Now in the state of new York marriage age is 17 years and older. Thus want to prevent the number of early marriages. The change came into effect Thursday, a month after legislators voted to revise the state law that allowed children under the age of 14 to enter into a legal marriage. As reported by pix11, now, under the new rules, citizens under the age of 17 years, and…


The NYPD will report about all the confiscated property

July 21, 2017

According to the new law, adopted Thursday by the city Council, now the Department of the new York police Department (NYPD) will have to publicly disclose information about how much cash and property seized from citizens. The bill, which also was supported by mayor bill De Blasio, forcing the NYPD to compile and publicize reports of ownership received by the practice, called civil forfeiture. The new law was a reaction…


A resident of long beach sues over refusal to issue 5 million prize

July 21, 2017

A resident of long beach filed a lawsuit against the state and the California lottery Commission, claiming that it wrongfully deprived of winning 5 million dollars due to the fact that the lottery ticket was bought by his 16-year-old son. The plaintiff, ward Thomas, said that the lottery Committee had not fulfilled its obligations and has violated the terms of the contract. He claims that his 16-year-old son bought five…


Miami houses will be built with solar panels

July 20, 2017

Everyone who decided to build a house in South Miami or to repair, install solar panel under the new law, which passed Tuesday night. As reported by the Miami Herald, this will be the first such law in Florida, which will enter into force on 18 September. Now for every 1 thousand square feet of sunlit roof, you need to install 175 sq. ft. of solar battery panels or by…


In Los Angeles you can break the car window to rescue the animal from the heat

July 20, 2017

The bill, signed last September, which entered into force in January, grants exemption from fines and immunity to citizens who broke into the car to save the animal from overheating. On Tuesday on a press-conferences the public Prosecutor of the city of Los Angeles, Mike Foer reminded that leaving animal in car dangerous, even for a few minutes. However, under the new law, you have no right in the Parking…