FDA intends to reduce the level of nicotine in cigarettes

July 29, 2017

Management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines (FDA — approx. ed), reports that it will address the question of reducing the amount of nicotine in cigarettes to a level that will help to overcome the addiction, the website of NPR «The overwhelming number of deaths and diseases associated with tobacco Smoking caused by the dependence on cigarette is the only legal consumer product that can kill half…


Police fine cyclists near the scene of a fatal accident

July 28, 2017

This week, the police are actively prescribed penalties for cyclists Greenpoint, near the intersection where last weekend killed 27-year-old Neftali Ramirez, who was hit by a private garbage truck when he was riding a Bicycle home. Franklin Street is a popular Cycling route as it leads directly to the protected lane on Kent Avenue. Supporters of Cycling are saying that this tactic of the authorities is unfair, as the cases…


In Chicago offer fine for leaving Pets in a closed car

July 28, 2017

As reported by DNAinfo in Chicago offered to establish punishment in the form of a fine of up to $1000 for leaving pet in a closed car in the heat or cold. The proposal was submitted 36th Ward Alderman Gilbert Vilegas. According to the proposal, owners of Pets, leaving them in enclosed vehicles must be fined from $300 to $1000. This measure would also grant law enforcement officers the right…


4 borough of new York city cancels 700 000 orders are for minor offences

July 28, 2017

Hundreds of thousands of outstanding warrants for minor offences will be abolished in order to help the overloaded judicial system. Four of the five city courts – Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens, announced Wednesday that in the coming weeks they will cancel almost 700 000 of such warrants. We are talking about warrants signed by judges more than 10 years ago for offences such as Cycling on the sidewalk, public…


Female cancer patient sues the TSA for humiliating treatment

July 27, 2017

The patient sick with cancer of the breast second stage delivers the claim to the Directorate of vehicles, new Jersey for what she faced humiliating and discriminatory treatment when they tried to renew their driver’s license. Jennifer Giordano has passed eight courses of chemotherapy which result in the lost hair. So now the woman is made to wear a special scarf. It is in this scarf and it was when…


In Manhattan the Scam earned on the sale of ivory to $4.5 million

July 27, 2017

Two Antiques dealer from Manhattan, accused in the illegal sale of ivory to $ 4.5 million, pleaded guilty in court. Now they will have to donate 200 thousand dollars to the Funds of wildlife and endangered species. As told to prosecutors, the brothers Morano, Irving and Samuel – the owners of an Antiques store Metropolitan Fine Arts & Antiques on W. 57th St.. They sell ivory without the necessary licence,…


In new York want to decriminalize jumping turnstiles in the subway

July 27, 2017

Two lawmakers from Brooklyn are hoping that arrests for turnstile jumping in the subway gone. State Senator Jesse Hamilton and Assembly member Tremain Wright said Tuesday that they officially want to decriminalize those acts, initiating the adoption of the law. Decriminalization would mean the exclusion of acts from the category of offences in class A, for which Commission may be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 1 year. Instead,…


In Greece, arrested a Russian citizen who U.S. authorities accuse of money laundering

July 26, 2017

Greek authorities announced that they detained a Russian citizen wanted in the United States on suspicion of laundering more than $ 4 billion through bitcoin transactions. This writes the news Agency the Associated Press. Police said that on Wednesday they arrested 38-year-old Alexander winnick in the Northern part of Greece, in cooperation with the US authorities. When arrested from the hotel room the suspect had seized some electronic equipment. According…


McCain after the operation returned to the Senate to vote on Obamacare

July 26, 2017

With a fresh surgical scar over the left eye to work in the Senate to back John McCain. Earlier, the Senator was diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, and he was forced to temporarily retire, to perform the surgery at home – in Arizona. But the interruption did not last long. Today, McCain again in the Senate. He took part in important to America voting on the continuation…


While investigating the theft of laptops, police stumbled upon a fraudulent scheme by $40 million.

July 25, 2017

Law enforcement agencies in the County of Bucks (Pennsylvania) are faced with an unusual case. While investigating the theft of laptops, law enforcement officers «accidentally» stumbled on a fraudulent scheme with bitcoins in the amount of $40 million. In the view of militiamen have caught 30-the summer jobless Theodore Price. The parents of his girlfriend said the theft of laptops from their home. After returning from vacation, wife Janine and…