Analysis | How much will need oktas immigrants in the United States

August 5, 2017

The sensational bill to reform the immigration policy of the United States, called the RAISE Act, continues to be actively discussed by different experts. In General, the reaction to the bill is mixed. Supporters of the proposed rules is extremely small. But no news about a possible sharp restriction of legal immigration to 500,000 people a year, it is not possible limitation of permission to move to the US relatives…


The girl that pushed her boyfriend to suicide, going to jail for 15 months

August 5, 2017

On Thursday, August 3, the court issued a verdict in the case of Michelle Carterin June of this year, was found guilty of the manslaughter of her boyfriend. The girl will serve his sentence in prison little more than a year, a fraction of those numbers that was predicted initially. Recall that in July 2014, living in Massachusetts 18-year-old Conrad Roy III committed suicide, poisoned by carbon monoxide inside the…


Slandering the wedding photographer, the couple paid $1 million

August 3, 2017

Wedding photographer Andrea Polito from North Texas has won a lawsuit against the newlyweds, for which a staged wedding photo shoot in 2015. After the wedding the couple was billed for the services of a photographer. In social networks the couple began to resent the fact that the photographer almost «robbed» them, demanding to pay an additional $ 125 for the cover design of the album – costs which, in…


For a wall with Mexico, the United States will violate Federal law

August 2, 2017

The United States will not follow the rules on the protection of the environment for the construction of additional barriers on the border with Mexico. About it reports Reuters with a reference to the Department of homeland security. As reported in the Department, near San Diego, 15 miles from the Mexican border, we will build more barriers that will be part of the planned wall, which said Donald trump. We…


Protection for immigrants will be funded from an anonymous donation

August 2, 2017

The mayor of new York announced that this week will run the Fund through private investment, which will Fund legal representation for all indigent immigrants in new York facing deportation, regardless of their criminal history. Announced on Monday, an anonymous grant in the amount of $ 250,000 U.S. based on the approval of mayor bill de Blasio that taxpayers ‘ money should not be directed at immigrants who are convicted…


Senator Booker wants to legalize marijuana at the Federal level

August 2, 2017

Democrat Cory Booker elected to the Senate from the district of new Jersey and former mayor of Newark, announced in a video message on Facebook Live of intent to enter the Marijuana 2017 Justice Act — a billthat will allow to legalize marijuana. Recall that the authorities at the legislative level trying to promote marijuana to the list of substances #1, which includes heroin, and consigning her to the drugs…


All cars in the U.S. can be equipped with alarm system for neglected children

August 1, 2017

In the Senate filed the bill, which is supported by many lawyers and NGOs on road safety. According to the Associated Press, the bill proposes to equip all cars «warning signs»to prevent the tragedy associated with left in the car children. Cases where a child is forgotten in a closed car, and the kid dies, unfortunately, not uncommon. We will remind, several days ago in Arizona in a few days…


The Commission will review the distance between the seats in the aircraft

August 1, 2017

On Friday, the appellate judicial Commission announced that the FAA should reconsider the decision to change the distance between the seats in the planes for security purposes. Organization of passenger rights, Flyers Rights challenged the decision of the Federal aviation administration in court after the FAA rejected the request to set the rules that determine the spot size and the distance between rows. On Friday, the Federal court of appeals…


Classes in California’s schools will start later

August 1, 2017

Lawmakers want to give California students the extra minutes of sleep. In the coming weeks they will consider the bill according to which the lessons should begin no earlier than 8:30. According to the author of the bill No. 328, Senator Anthony Portantino, the innovation will have a beneficial effect on the academic achievement, health and emotional state of the children. The official introduced the bill in February. His proposal,…


The number of visa applications for victims of crime in new York has increased significantly

July 31, 2017

According to the statements of the police Department of new York significantly increased the number of illegal immigrants who are trying to get a special visa for victims of crime. According to statistics, in 2011, these applicants visa was 87, by 2016 the number of applications for U-visa has increased to 713. A little-known Federal program, approved almost 20 years ago, allows undocumented immigrants to obtain a visa if they…