Unusual petition: Brit gathers wanting to drink the red liquid from a 2,000 year-old sarcophagus

Three weeks ago in Alexandria (Egypt) archaeologists have discovered a massive black sarcophagus, inside which were three skeletons and red-brown waste water, exuding a terrible stench.

Initially, the new archeological excavations caused a storm of fears on the part of people who believe in ancient Egyptian curses. But after a mysterious sarcophagus was opened and the world came to Armageddon, one person there was a very… strange idea about how to use this ancient discovery.

#Egyptian archaeologists have dashed hopes that a newly-discovered ancient sarcophagus might contain the remains of Alexander the Great, finding instead a mummified family swimming in red liquid https://t.co/FWfQoXuAkh pic.twitter.com/jcGe1QzhpJ

— ABC News (@abcnews) November 20, 2018

Programmer from UK Innes Mckendrick has launched a petition to everyone was allowed to drink red liquid, which contained the skeletons of over 2 thousand years.

2 days ago Innes has called on Twitter to join everyone who shares this desire. The result was that about 8 thousand people supported him.

thank’s for the support pic.twitter.com/oINoAuCENe

— moth dad (@innesmck) July 20, 2018

To a question posed by one of the users why it is (which, we are sure, would like to ask almost everyone), Innes said, «I don’t want her (liquid – approx. USA.one) in vain».

«We need to drink the red liquid from the cursed dark sarcophagus like any carbonated energy drink, so we can find the strength and will finally die,» he wrote in the appeal page of the petition.

Innes told the newspaper Metro read more about his call:

«I firmly believe that, consuming the skeletal juice in the form of carbonated energy drink with high caffeine content, we still will have the ability to enter the era of endless darkness and despair. I’m so glad to see that others support the petition and share my mission to speedy end of all things».

In his Twitter he thanked everyone for their support and asked not to sign the petition, because all of the liquid is not enough.
