Wife has disabled husband Wi-Fi so it was not closed in the bathroom with the phone

A wife who discovered that her husband is watching video on the phone in the bathroom, evading the duty to change diapers to children, shared with the Internet the details of his sweet revenge.

In short, she turned off Wi-Fi to deprive him of the pleasure with interest to spend time in the bathroom.

Wife, who introduced herself as FinalWintersEve, shared his story on Reddit and asked other users if they believe that she acted ugly when «cut» spouse online in the toilet.

In fact, when both husband and wife took leave for child care after the birth of their twins, she began to notice that he spends in the bathroom an awful lot of time. She quickly realized that he was hiding there to evade the duty to change diapers.

So she began to turn off Wi-Fi router while he was in the restroom and watched a video on YouTube to force it to get outta there, so to speak.

Sharing her story, she wrote: «Every time my husband SHOULD do something with the kids (it’s his turn to change a diaper, heat a bottle, even just to calm a newborn), he ALWAYS first goes to the bathroom».

However, she added: «My husband takes medicine that causes him to spend much time in the bathroom about an hour after eating. In the past year he has begun to accept and then quit the medication. He had a few weeks of not taking it, and it doesn’t affect him constantly, but he always claims that he’s in the bathroom because of it.»

The girl wrote that she wants to clarify if she is being unreasonable and wants to make sure that lack of sleep doesn’t make her a bad person.

But I think the majority of users agreed with her. In fact, they said that the ugly behavior of her husband, eluding from the obligation to take care of children.
