In Chicago, a floating Museum

In Chicago, a floating Museum

Floating Museum until the fall will be moored in different places in Chicago.

Project River Assembly turned an ordinary working barge to the Museum where the works of various artists. The barge will go on the river, starting from the South-East of Chicago to Navy Pier, making stops.

In Chicago, a floating Museum

«The idea was to organize some cultural event, using industrial barge,» says CBS 2 one of the organizers, Jeremiah Hulsebos-Spofford.

While on the barge exhibited the work of three local artists, but the organizers hope that the concept of the Museum will attract and others.

The idea of mobile museums appeared in Europe in the XVI-XVII centuries, when the special popularity so-called «cabinets of curiosities» (or more familiar name — the Cabinet of curiosities).

Visit the floating gallery in Chicago – free. In addition to viewing the exhibition, you can listen to the tour guide, participate in master classes, which will hold Blues and gospel singers, creative discussions, and time for dance parties with DJs Chicago.

Today, August 13, the floating Museum will be located in Eleanor Park, from 14 to 28 August at the Chicago Riverwalk, from August 28 to September 1 at Navy Pier.

