US out of UNESCO

US out of UNESCO

The United States announced that the United States leave UNESCO, because of resolutions, which Washington considers «anti-Israeli». The decision will come into force on 31 December 2018. In the future, the U.S. plans to cooperate with the organization as a permanent observer.

America stop funding UNESCO after its members took Palestine in 2011, but continued to influence the policies of the organization. States have also remained an office in the main headquarters in Paris.

US out of UNESCO

The admission of Palestine to UNESCO has divided the organization. Many considered this evidence of the long-running anti-Israel policy at the UN.

First and foremost, UNESCO is known for its program to protect historical sites and cultural traditions around the world — World Heritage. The organization also devotes a lot of time to improve the level of education among girls in poor countries and in the scientific sphere, the protection of freedom of media, better understanding of the history of the Holocaust etc.

Previously, the U.S. left UNESCO in the 1980s and returned in 2003.

#US @StateDept statement on #UNESCO withdrawal:

— Matt Lee (@APDiploWriter) August 12, 2017
