The U.S. Congress passed the climate Act, which does not allow Trump to come out of the Paris agreement

The U.S. Congress voted (231/190) the adoption of Act on climate action — the first bill of the climate package of the Democrats. Among other things, the Act blocks the attempts of the administration of Donald trump out of the Paris agreement on climate.

As stated in the annotation to the document on the Congress website, the bill requires that the President annually developed and updated a plan for the United States, to enable them to perform their specific national contributions in accordance with the Paris agreement on climate change. In particular, the plan must contain a description of the steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels by 2025, and confirm that other parties to agreements with developed economies carry out their declared action. In addition, the bill prohibits the use of Federal funds for withdrawal from the agreement.

The U.S. Congress passed the climate Act, which does not allow Trump to come out of the Paris

The Treaty of Paris was signed by President Obama in 2015 and contains commitments of the parties on the limitation of impacts on the climate. The Act climate action voted all the Democrats and three of them joined the Republicans. Now the document goes to the Senate, where, according to experts, it has chances of approval, despite the Republican majority.

Passed by Congress the Act carries a very compromise the contents and it looks much more acceptable to conservatives in comparison with the «New green course» Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. «I think we should support any action on climate that we can really get. Of course, I think we need to do more, and it is not about any one bill. But I really crave and look forward to a legislative act that has teeth», — quotes the words of Hill Ocasio-Cortez, who supported the Act.

Donald trump has repeatedly criticized U.S. participation in the Paris agreement, calling it extremely unfair for the United States. At the outset of the current administration of the White house emphasized that the United States could withdraw from the agreement.
