Trump and Putin held another informal meeting during the G20

Trump and Putin held another informal meeting during the G20

The US President Donald trump and the President of Russia Vladimir Putin held another unofficial meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit, held in Hamburg earlier this month.

Press Secretary of the White House Sean Spicer confirmed the information about holding a conversation a few hours after the official bilateral meeting. But about how long the second time you talked to the leaders and what they communicated, Spicer did not specify.

Trump and Putin held another informal meeting during the G20

According to The Hill, in the second conversation, trump talked with the Russian leader about an hour. During a conversation attended only by the interpreter Putin. The conversation was not mentioned by the presidential administration.

«During the G20 took place, only shared dinner. By the end, the President spoke with Putin at the dinner,» — said the representative of the national security Council, Michael Anton.

The message another informal conversation of the heads of state have sparked further interest among politicians, political scientists and the public. Ian Bremmer, President of Eurasia Group, said that the absence during the meeting, the interpreter trump is a violation of Protocol to national security. He also stated that he did not know of any other examples in history, when two major countries, there would be so shaky relationships at the same time as the leaders of these countries became closer to each other.
