Scientists will test asteroid Omwamwi for the presence of alien technology

Scientists will test asteroid Omwamwi for the presence of alien technology

This fall, Robert Urich has discovered the first interstellar object passing through the Solar system. Before unknown celestial body oblong cigar-like shape came from interstellar space and reached a maximum velocity of 196 000 miles an hour, swept past the Sun. Space guest received a name Omwamwi (translated from the Hawaiian ou.mua.mua means «messenger» from the past) and was originally identified as a comet, but after more careful study, astronomers reclassified it into an asteroid.

Now the scientists aim to check whether it emits any radio signalsthat can produce an alien device. For this purpose they use a special radio telescope, green Bank, located in West Virginia. Tomorrow experts from project Breakthrough Listen will begin to monitor the asteroid. The first stage of monitoring would take 10 hours, during which the researchers will work with four different ranges of radio programs.

Scientists will test asteroid Omwamwi for the presence of alien technology

Astronomers believe that, most likely, Omwamwi has a natural origin, however, due to the fact that such objects are rare guests in the vicinity of the Earth, scientists want to make sure in the absence of any traces of synthetic origin, for example, radio signals. Unique asteroid makes its extended form, which distinguishes the celestial body of all the asteroids ever recorded in our Solar system.

Currently Omwamwi removed from the Earth at a distance that is twice the distance from our planet to the Sun, so chances to hear something extremely small. However, even if researchers can discover some alien artifact, it will be the biggest discovery in the recent years, which will give the answer to the fundamental question, which for several decades agitating the minds of mankind, namely: «are we Alone in the universe?».
