Tablets with belladonna: in the US tightening control over homeopathic remedies

Tablets with belladonna: in the US tightening control over homeopathic remedies

Blaine Talbott of Colorado springs very early began to erupt teeth the baby was only two months. His mother, Karyn, began to look for something easy and harmless to ease the pain of the child, and turned to homeopathic means of Hyland’s.

«You know, if you read: homeopathic, natural remedy, you are sure that it will be safe,» Karin told NBC News.

Tablets with belladonna: in the US tightening control over homeopathic remedies

But soon, blaine went into convulsions. Neurologists conjecture, but the cramps ended as soon as the mother stopped giving the baby homeopathic tablets.

Management under the control over products and medicines (FDA) declared that tablets Hyland’s contains dangerous for such a small child, the concentration of belladonna, a poisonous plant.

Starting next year, FDA plans to tighten control over the sale of homeopathic medicines, the market turnover is estimated at three billion dollars a year.

«People spend money on tools that bring little benefit in the fight against their disease. What’s worse – these tools can even cause irreparable harm,» — said at the briefing the representative of the FDA, Dr. Scott Gottlieb.

According to him, management will not immediately regulate all homeopathic products. First consideration will be given to products that are sold to «cure» serious diseases such as cancer, but have no proven effect.

«There is no scientific basis for homeopathy and little evidence that these means are good, even as an «accompanying» method of treatment,» said Dr. Gottlieb.

Examples of such means are the aforementioned tablets Hyland’s belladonna and Nux vomica, which is made from plants, which are a source of strychnine , one of the most powerful natural poisons.

Karin Talbott added that, although seizures in blaine (he is now 4 years old) stopped, he has a minor developmental delays. She doesn’t know whether this is due to tablets containing belladonna.
