Cuomo declares war on anyone who texts behind the wheel

Cuomo declares war on anyone who texts behind the wheel

On Wednesday Governor Cuomo announced that he demanded from the Committee on road safety to consider the technology called «textalyzer«, which would be able to determine whether the used driver phone behind the wheel of a car that was involved in a serious accident.

«Despite laws prohibiting cell phone use while driving, some motorists are still texting while driving, thus putting themselves and other people at risk, said Cuomo in a statement to the Associated Press. — The Commission will review the effectiveness of the new technology, which is designed to deal with such reckless behavior and carefully assess its implications for the security and privacy of new Yorkers».

The Committee will examine the Governor device «textalyzer», as well as privacy issues and legal issues that may arise if the system will be put into practice. Before publishing the report, the Committee members will listen to the views of supporters and opponents of the technology, law enforcement officials and legal experts.

Cuomo declares war on anyone who texts behind the wheel

The representative of the Israeli company Cellebrite, which is developing the device, said that «textalyzer» can be used already after a few months.

Technology «Textalyzer» has already received support from some congressmen of the state.

According to the Institute of management road safety from 2011 to 2015 in the state of new York as a result of car accidents caused by using phones while driving, 12 people were killed and more than 2,700 people were injured. During this same period there were 1.2 million in fines for using phones while driving.
