FBI celebrates his 109th birthday: a story about the birthday boy

FBI celebrates his 109th birthday: a story about the birthday boy

Exactly 109 years ago, July 26, 1908, in the structure of the Ministry of justice was created by the Bureau of investigation.


The FBI came during the presidency of Roosevelt Teared on the initiative of Charles Joseph Bonaparte. The Agency was investigating the most important criminal cases were outside the competence of the police. Interestingly, the current name of the Office received only in 1935. Before that at different times the service was called the Bureau of Investigation (BOI), Bureau of Investigation of the United States and the Department of Investigation (DOI).

FBI celebrates his 109th birthday: a story about the birthday boyAn FBI agent. 1939. Photo: wikimedia.org

The Tasks Of The Bureau

Since the main purpose of the FBI is to combat the violation of the rights and freedoms of man, the office performs a wide range of tasks including:

  • the fight against terrorism, espionage and organized crime
  • the fight against corruption
  • investigation of mass and serial killings
  • investigation of robbery and armed attacks
  • the investigation of crimes against children
  • the investigation of the hijacking, abduction
  • investigation of threats against the President and government officials

In this regard, the FBI has a huge budget that in 2017, the year was more than $ 8.5 billion.

FBI celebrates his 109th birthday: a story about the birthday boy

Criticism of FBI

Due to the nature of work, which is described as intelligence, the FBI often lends itself to criticism among experts and ordinary citizens. Declassified by the FBI data in 2011 that the special agents turned a blind eye to the massacres and violence committed by informants for obtaining the necessary data or eliminating other gangsters.

FBI celebrates his 109th birthday: a story about the birthday boyPhoto: wikimedia.org

The structure of the FBI

Now the Agency is subject to the attorney-General and, at the same time, the Director of National intelligence. At the moment, the Bureau employs about 36 thousand people, among which there are well-known agents (in the spirit of Fox Mulder and Dale Cooper), scientists, analysts, criminologists, linguists, IT specialists and other staff.

The headquarters office is located in the building named J. Edgar Hoover, Washington (DC). In addition, in the major cities of the country there are 55 field offices and about 385 branches in smaller towns. Also now operate 64 offices of the FBI abroad.

FBI celebrates his 109th birthday: a story about the birthday boyThe headquarters of the FBI building named J. Edgar Hoover. Photo: wikimedia.org

How to become an FBI agent:

  • you must be at least 25 years (the employee’s gender doesn’t matter)
  • you must have a diploma of higher education
  • if you have selected, you pass a three-month course of physical and professional training at the National FBI Academy
  • then you get a referral for an internship in one of the field offices, which can last 2 years

FBI celebrates his 109th birthday: a story about the birthday boyPhoto: facebook.com/pg/FBI

Currently acting head of the FBI takes the Andrew McCabe, who was replaced on the main leadership positions of James Comey, who was fired earlier newly elected President of the United States Donald trump.
